“健康全球”北京中医药大学全球抗疫平台守护您的健康 |
2020-04-14 17:50 |
中医药在中国抗击新冠肺炎疫情中发挥了显著优势,令世界瞩目。随着疫情在海外持续蔓延,广大海外同胞、华人华侨和国际友人的安全健康无时无刻不牵动着中国人民的心。北京中医药大学将中医深厚底蕴与防治新冠肺炎积累的实际经验相结合,愿将中医药预防治疗的方案与您分享,守护您的生命和健康。无论您身在何方,无论距离多么遥远,我们都将把这份关怀和守护通过网络送到您身边。“健康全球”北京中医药大学全球抗疫平台正式上线,在这里,您能获悉科学的中医药防疫知识,还能获得权威专家的在线解答。北京中医药大学愿与世界人民守望相助、同舟共济,为世界人民奉献中国智慧、中国经验、中国处方。 全球抗疫平台功能包括: 1. 在线咨询:疫情期间,北京中医药大学专家在线义务解答新冠肺炎防护相关问题。咨询者可以点击北京中医药大学国医堂APP首页的“新肺炎咨询”进行免费咨询。 咨询时间:北京时间8:00-24:00(中文咨询),00:00-6:00(中、英文咨询) 具体使用路径: 1) 苹果手机请在App Store中搜索“北中医国医堂”, 下载APP客户端; 2) 安卓系统手机请扫描下方二维码安装APP客户端; 3)注册(登录)账号; 打开APP,选择正确的国家/地区,填写手机号,验证通过后设置密码,即可完成注册。如已有账号,可填写账号信息直接登陆。 4)新冠肺炎咨询服务操作说明: 第一步,首页中,点击“新肺炎咨询”,进入咨询医生列表。 第二步,该列表内为国医堂可进行咨询的医生(轮流在线),可点击“救助咨询”进行咨询问诊。 2. 中医防疫系列课程:面对疫情,北京中医药大学教师为您讲授防疫知识,教您疫情期间如何抵抗病毒侵袭,预防、保健、养生。 请扫描北京中医药大学公众号。 3. 中医药公开课:北京中医药大学远程教育学院中医药公开课为广大中医爱好者免费提供了学习中医适宜技术、中医药抗击新冠肺炎系列在线课程。 可扫描下方二维码,通过“北中医远程”小程序,或下载“北中医远程”APP客户端进行观看(苹果手机请在App Store中搜索“北中医远程,安卓手机请扫描下方二维码安装手机APP客户端”)。 “ Health Planet” ——The global COVID-19 prevention and treatment platform of Beijing University of Chinese Medicine Traditional Chinese Medicine has played a significant role in the prevention and treatment of the recent COVID-19 epidemic in China. Since the outbreak has developed into a pandemic, Beijing University of Chinese Medicine hopes to share the experience of traditional Chinese medicine with the world, so that the time-honoured practice can serve more people, relieve the pain for people who suffer from the disease and save more lives. Committed to this, the university has developed “ Health Planet”, a global platform where you can learn about how to prevent the disease with Chinese medicine while asking for help from the top practitioners in the field. No one is alone in this. Our service includes: 1. Online counseling: During the outbreak, our practitioners will voluntarily answer your questions about preventing COVID-19 online. English service is provided between 00:00 to 6:00 (Beijing time ) every day. Please use the “BUCM Guoyitang Clinic” APP to consult a practitioner for free. Here is a brief guidance in how to install and use the APP: 1) IOS users please search for "Being University of Chinese Medicine Guoyitang Clinic" (北中医国医堂 in Chinese) to download the APP. 2) If you're using Android system, please scan this QR code below to install the APP. 3) Create (or log in) an account: Open the APP and choose your country/region before filling in your phone number. You will receive an SMS with a verification code. Input the code and set your password. You can log in directly if you already got an account. 4) How to consult a practitioner: Tap on the “COVID-19 consultation” icon to get a list of the doctors, and then tap on the “Consult” icon to get contact with the doctor that you’d like to talk to. Please refer to the following pictures where the icons are circled in red. 2. Series lectures on COVID-19 prevention: The lecturers and experts of Beijing University of Chinese Medicine will tell you how to prevent the epidemic. They’ll also talk about how to boost your immune system and cultivate a healthy lifestyle. Please scan the following QR code. 3. Public lectures: The Distance Learning College of Beijing University of Chinese Medicine provides lectures in practical knowledge and skills of traditional Chinese medicine while teaching how to apply them during the outbreak. Please scan the following QR code to watch online though the mini-programme, or download the “BUCM Distance Learning” APP to get the courses. |