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Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Hong Lei's Remarks on the Situation in Syria
2011-07-14 13:55

Q: The consultation meeting on Syrian national dialogue mechanism concluded recently with a statement released. What is China's comment on the current situation in Syria?

A: China welcomes dialogue and consultation of all relevant parties in Syria for the appropriate settlement of disputes, with a view to avoiding bloodshed and conflicts and maintaining national stability and normal social order.


Q: France said recently that a Syria-related UN Security Council resolution was frustrated by China and Russia. What is China's position in this regard?

A: China follows closely the developments of the situation in Syria and hopes that it will restore national stability and normal order as soon as possible. Whether the UN Security Council will take action on the Syria issue and how it will do so mainly depend on whehther the action is conducive to alleviating the current tension there, facilitating political dialogue among all relevant parties in Syria to dissolve dispute, and safeguarding peace and stability of the Middle East Region.

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